Poker stables typically specialize in one game type. For example- cash games, PLO, Hyper SNGs, Spins, MTTs, etc.
There are stables like Pocarr for long-term MTT staking, and there are markets where you can sell action to one or a few tournaments. We only know what our requirements are for getting staked, so we’ll focus on those in this post!
- Have a sample. If you want staking for multi-table online tournaments, have at least 2,000 tournaments in the past 12 months so that we have a starting point for seeing results. This will be enough hands for us to properly analyze frequencies and evbb/100 as well.
- Be a specialist. If 25% of your volume is hypers, and 25% is PLO, 25% is 9-man sngs, and 25% is normal speed MTTs, it says to us that you’re not a specialist. If you’re everywhere you’re nowhere. It’s unlikely you can maximize your poker talent by delving into so many different formats. By spending the bulk of your time on one format, you don’t spread yourself too thin and are most likely to have success.
- Play consistent stakes. If you’re constantly going broke taking shots in higher games, it’s concerning that you may not have the discipline to play a set range of stakes without deviating. Our goal is for you to improve and move up in stakes when it’s earned–not just arbitrarily taking shots when you have the money.
- Have a clean reputation. If you have stolen or cheated others before, we will likely find out on backer blacklists, twoplustwo negative feedback thread, or from talking in various backing group chats. If you’ve made a mistake in the past, own it and explain what happened and why it will not happen again.
With the above, you’re someone who specializes in a format and puts in consistent volume. You have a clean reputation and don’t take too many shots outside of your normal limits. This is the description of someone with a high chance for success in our eyes. If you only meet three of these we will happily consider. If you meet two or less, it is less likely we will have an offer or will ask for a cash deposit to hold as collateral–to be returned upon the completion of a successful agreement. Having skin in the game is proven to increase the odds of success and where appropriate we ask for this.